Posted by: troohealthcare | November 5, 2008

Indigestion is a Pain …

… in the stomach.

Indigestion is quite broadly used term for feeling pain in your stomach, such as cramping, heartburn, wind and belching. It is usually a sign that your digestive system is struggling to cope with food and the way it chooses to convey that message is not usually pleasant. Less frequently indigestion is also a sign of illness.

A number of factors can affect indigestion so it is largely something you can have an effect on, whether by self discipline in what you consume and how you consume it, or by the use of remedies to soothe the symptoms.

Basically you are more likely to get indigestion if you eat or drink excessively, eat poor food combinations, eat too quickly, or eat when you are stressed (difficult not to I know). And as we blame it on everything – we can add smoking to the list of factors which typically cause indigestion.

Posted by: troohealthcare | November 1, 2008

Do You Really Realise How Bad Smoking Is For You?

You would have had to have had your head in the sand or be in complete denial if you don’t know that smoking is bad for your health. That does not mean, however, that everyone is fully aware of just how bad.

In 2004, a paper on the ‘British Doctors Study'(which has tracked the health of over 30,000 doctors over a 50 year span), reported that those who continued to smoke died on average about 10 years younger than lifelong non-smokers.

It’s not all about life and death though. Smoking affects many aspects of our health and many people aren’t even aware of the imminent threats. If you want to know why you should stop smoking then check out our article ‘Why Smoking is Bad For Your Health‘ for a full incite.

Posted by: troohealthcare | October 27, 2008

Natural Study Aid Remedies

Now just in case you wondering what wonderful and weird alternatives there are to throwing illegal substances down your throat, we thought we would give a little shout out to the natural study aid remedies we have available.

Exams are just one of a number of stressful experiences you have to undertake in life and it’s usually not because we aren’t capable of passing. The brain is a brilliant thing but like all things complicated, it can be prone to shut down. Anything from nerves, medical conditions (such as ADD) and expectation pressure can affect how well your brain works.

That is why we provide a whole host of safe and natural remedies to help you to maximise your own potential. Whether you need help relaxing, nerves soothing, or help to concentrate we have a natural remedy available to provide that assistance. And the best bit is you don’t risk your health or jail time using them.

Posted by: troohealthcare | October 23, 2008

Attention Deficit Disorder Or Just Studying?

Welcome to the world of performance enhancing study drugs. In my day it used to be coffee or pro plus to help me get a bit of last minute cramming in before exams. But now it seems to performance enhancement for studying has taken things up a notch, with a host of different study drugs being used.

Top of this new breed of enhancers is Ritalin, a drug available on prescription only for children with ADHD. As Ritalin is actually a class B drug when not prescribed the consequences for a student taking this route potentially disastrous – they could go to jail for 5 years.

There are also potential health implications -Ritalin is a prescription only medicine for a reason. Short term effects for Ritalin include anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability and headaches.

Although several users have pointed at improved exam results to justify their new ‘habit’ the risks just seem to great a sacrifice.

Now you may think it strange us highlighting this issue when we provide study focus related remedies ourselves. The difference is these are specially formulated homeopathic remedies that are safe, effective and legal. The natural way means you can still get a good nights sleep and start your focus again in the morning!!

Posted by: troohealthcare | October 20, 2008

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

I know in the last post I said we were ‘finishing off’ on fatigue etc but I think maybe I will have to admit that I lied. I actually thought I was going to be moving onto skin care when it occurred to me that the subjects are often inter-linked.

After-all what is the obvious culprit for dark circles? Yes that’s right it’s a lack of sleep. And if your adrenal glands become exhausted this will make your eyes go darker still.

Dark circles can also be triggered by allergies – either to products or to foods. And just think what rubbing itchy hay fevered eyes will do.

Whatever the causes of your dark eyes though we have the perfect product to help you reduce them in Nourish Dark Spots Fade Cream.

And if you are concerned about any of the other contributing factors we have mentioned such as allergies and fatigue then you will find plenty of natural remedies to help with those at

Posted by: troohealthcare | October 16, 2008

Take Stress Out Of The Fatigue Equation

To finish off on chronic fatigue, exhaustion  – or whatever you can be bothered to call it – don’t forget to check the article out that we published on stress.

It’s got some good info on the relationship between stress and fatigue. At the very worst reading it will probably put you to sleep so you can finally have a good night’s shut eye.

Posted by: troohealthcare | October 1, 2008

If It’s Good Enough For Popeye …

There’s a good reason why the cartoon character Popeye becomes super-human when he necks a tin of spinach. Although the concept might be exaggerated a little, eating spinach once a day is a time honoured remedy for relieving fatigue.

What’s more this is no old wives tale – there is actually scientific reasoning behind it. Spinach contains potassium as well as many B vitamins, all of which are key to energy metabolism.

There you go – one to bore your friends with down the pub later. Not that we encourage drinking. 🙂

Posted by: troohealthcare | September 29, 2008

Top Tips to Avoid Fatigue

At the end of our last post on never-ending tiredness we suggested that if you hit rock bottom then a few vitamin pills and a good night’s sleep might help you in the shirt term. Today we’re going to reveal a few more ways to claw back your va va voom:

  1. Try to take at least one day each week for yourself. Put some dates in your diary either for exercise or any other thing that might help you relax in you ‘me time’
  2. Take a few minutes every hour to do some deep breathing exercises. Get up, take a few minutes out and have a little walk and a stretch.
  3. If you are stressed due to personal issues consider seeing a counsellor – you should be able to organise this through your doctor.
  4. Consider some homeopathic remedies.
  5. NEVER take work to bed with you and always finish at least one hour before going to bed. If you don’t switch off you won’t sleep.
  6. If you’re not into physical exercise take up yoga, T’ai chi or even just walking.
  7. Find a way to improve your diet – see a nutritionist if necessary.
  8. Take some time out every few months to visit a health spa for a few days to treat yourself and relax.
  9. Seek help through work. There is some advice on this on the Health and Safety Executive web site.

Although all of these suggestions won’t suit everyone – and some of them may not even be practical – there should be something you can adjust in your daily routine to help you loosen up and wind down. If you don’t – and you go on to suffer chronic fatigue or extreme stress – then you are seriously threatening your long term health.

Posted by: troohealthcare | September 24, 2008

Tired All The Time?

Being constantly tired has almost become a slogan for some people – especially in the fast and furious paced world we live in today where moments of rest are few and far between. The truth is though that our hectic lifestyle is only a small part of the story for people with chronic fatigue.

Being tired is actually often linked to toxicity in the body, stress, and being over-weight. Again though these are perhaps just an indication of some of the more common causes – as there are many many more “possibles” to add to that list.

If you find yourself constantly tired you can probably help yourself in the short terms with a few vitamins and a decent nights sleep. This is not a long term solution though and at some point you need to see your doctor in an attempt to find the route cause of the problem.

Posted by: troohealthcare | September 21, 2008

You Are What You Eat

An all too familiar phrase but too few people realise that it is actually a very accurate statement. The human body literally is made up of food molecules, meaning bad news for the majority of us who continue to eat far too much pre-packaged, refined junk foods loaded with salt, sugar, additives and saturated fats.

The truth is eating healthily is actually quite tricky to do – especially on a budget. During recent years most commercial growers are harvesting more and more fruit and vegetables long before they are ripe – meaning by the time they get to you they have lost a lot of their nutritional content.

To survive the body needs a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, carbohydrate, fibre, air, water and light. As the human body does not manufacture most of these we are very much reliant on what we consume – both in terms of foods and supplements. When the body becomes deprived on the nutrients it needs a negative reaction will occur – shown by the symptoms of illness.

The purpose of this blog is not going to be to give you a stringent set of dietary guidelines what you must stick to or face the consequences. That is unrealistic. We all want treats and we can all have them – within reason. As I said – less than 5% of the European population are thought to eat a truly healthy diet.

Instead we are just gonna throw up some little hints and tips about various health and beauty issues, and where appropriate, make a little suggestion as to what supplements might help. We’ll even throw is some home made remedies into the bargain.

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